Billy The Kid
Kat Onoma 's album Billy The Kid, never released on vinyl, is out today in a remastered version from the analog tapes. This 3rd album, released in 1992, is one of the most emblematic of the group, the one by which critical success was added to public success. Considered by some as a "concept album", it is built from a text by the poet Jack Spicer, published in 1957, and a collection of poems entitled Série B, After Spicer, signed Thomas Lago (better known under the name of Pierre Alferi).
Recently recognized by Rock'n'Folk as one of the most important albums in French rock, it earned the group a Steel Bus and helped them escape their status as a cult but confidential group. A major tour followed in 1993, and the title "The Radio", remixed in particular by Arthur Baker, was widely broadcast on all the rock radio stations, which had not yet disappeared in those years.
It is through Billy The Kid that the Kat Onoma group is undertaking today to reissue its entire catalog, giving this work all the care it has always given to its publications. The artistic requirement, and the rare integrity, that this group has always demonstrated, will find themselves illustrated again today, through the complete reissue enterprise that it is inaugurating with Billy The Kid.