Like the rainbow that gave it its name, the Rainbowman adventure that began in 2016 (or perhaps in 1971…) had to come to an end sooner or later. As a farewell, in words, to David Bowie, Jérôme Soligny chose to close the triptych he dedicated to him (after writing, for thirty-five years, that the Berlin trilogy did not exist…) with this collection, complementary although different in form, to the two volumes published in 2019 and 2020.
As in two of his previous books (Writing On The Edge, to which the cover of RAINBOW+ is a nod, and With The Beatles), Soligny offers here a long chapter Bonus Apparents in which we find many chronicles and articles that he wrote about Bowie, mainly in Rock&Folk, between 1986 and 2024. Yes, it is a slice of his life. RAINBOW+ also brings together unpublished interviews with those who worked with the artist and/or had relevant things to say about him. As the cherry on the cake, Jérôme Soligny has slipped into this book statements from David Bowie, absent, until then, from his writings. Of course, he asked Lisa and Margaux Chetteau for a few drawings to illustrate RAINBOW+, and drew on his personal archives for most of the iconography.