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At a time when the revival of the vinyl format is rekindling the passion for record covers, this book comes at the right time to remind us that for eighty years, music has always been accompanied by images, and that these are not for nothing in the attachment we feel for records as objects. Photo, illustration, graphic design, the record cover has used and magnified all these expressions, offering image artists a constrained framework of 30x30 cm, in which they were able to create visuals with breathtaking creativity, some of which have become iconic.

The glittering worlds of Jean-Baptiste Mondino, the sensitive portraits of jazzmen by Leloir, the staging of Grace Jones by Jean-Paul Goude, the dreamlike landscapes of Roger Dean for Yes, the psychedelic cinematography of Studio Hypgnosis for Pink Floyd and so many others, the grain of Anton Corbijn, and then the indelible traces left by Andy Warhol, Banksy, Keith Haring in the world of recorded and commercialized music, all this constitutes a corpus that has marked the eras in an indelible way. From jazz to hip hop, from rock to electro, the history of the record would certainly not have been the same without the graphic interpretation of this music, as visual artists have done it. By shedding a legitimate light on this long and beautiful history, this book tells an obvious fact that nevertheless had to be emphasized: the record cover is a culture.

RELEASE DATE: September 2023