Tryo - Songs of Possibilities
Let's face it: in the heart of the 1990s, we could have believed that Tryo would be a fleeting comet tail of the alternative movement, uniting for summer festivals a generation of neo-hippie teenagers in capri pants. We are excused since Tryo too believed it!
But the story has continued. Tour after tour, album after album, decade after decade. We have gradually discovered that the inventors of "acoustic reggae" were inexhaustibly inventive and fertile. That it is a group consistently engaged in ecological and humanitarian struggles.
Tryo – Chants des possibles is the story of this unique adventure in popular music in France. From the meeting of young artists in the making in a MJC in the suburbs of Paris, to tours in the biggest venues. From the first steps in a show business that they distrust, to the sovereign independence of a group that is master of itself. Thus, from the years of the triumphant CD, to the digital existence of confinement, it is also a journey through almost thirty years of music in France.
Daniel Bravo , Christophe Mali , Manu Eveno , Guizmo and Bibou tell the story of Tryo for the first time. A polyphonic tale that exposes the springs of their persistent success. A tale that exposes the secrets of a surprising, complex, sometimes painful but always luminous human and artistic adventure.