The greatest war films seen by the editorial staff of SoFilm magazine. Stories, filming reports, interviews... Nearly 100 films to tell the story of cinema and history.
First and Second World Wars, Cold War and anti-colonial struggles. So many historical events that have given rise to many cinematic masterpieces. Thus, this volume 1 covers the most powerful war films on these periods. From the camaraderie between gentlemen of La Grande Illusion to the total physical immersion of the landing in Christopher Nolan 's Dunkirk . Passing by the clinical description of torture in Le Petit Soldat or the vengeful reinvention of history in The Dictator or Inglourious Basterds ... Thus, there are a thousand and one ways to tell the story of war. Some have made their filming an authentic battlefield, from Croix de bois to Requiem pour un massacre. But sometimes, it is also the most intimate and minimalist works that best express the horror of war. (Example: Johnny Goes to War or Furyo) . By combining analysis and accounts of the shooting, War Stories provides new insight into the genre.
Vietnam, Near & Middle East, the Balkans, international terrorism. While France was living in denial about Algeria, from the 1970s, New Hollywood tackled Vietnam and delivered two ultimate masterpieces ( Apocalypse Now and The Deer Hunter ). The following decade did not drive home the point of denunciation ( Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Outrages ...). A scathing verve that we subsequently find in films evoking the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. From Redacted to American Sniper . However, there are many other ways of telling the horror of war outside the United States, whether we think of the spies of the Patriots by Eric Rochant , the animated nightmares of Waltz with Bashir , the English farce We Are Four Lions or the Underground adventures of Kusturica .